Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Establishing an Identity Online

Howdy! This time our delivery will cover the topic of our online identity.  We will be looking at two blogs that cover the topic of online identity and how it affects us as individuals.  The two blogs we will be looking at come from and Business Done Now by Jason Kienbaum.

Both blogs talk about how important it is to establish your online identity as professional and how to accomplish this.  Each blog gives you several tips and examples of what to do in order to establish your online identity in a business or personal since. 

Although, the blogs have several things in common they also differ in how they tell you to establish you identity.  In the blog on, the author is telling the reader how to establish his or herself as more of a business online.  The author uses appeals to pathos when he states "the last thing you want is a potential client confusing you with someone else that makes you look bad."  In the second blog by Jason Kienbaum, the author is giving more of an example on how to establish yourself online as a business and as an individual.  The author uses tone and appeals to pathos in order to keep the reader's attention and interest.  When he states "Many business individuals will have this come back to bite them in the ass if they allow others to use their signature" he is demanding that the reader pay attention to what he is staying and by doing that he is making the reader more interested in what he has to say.  He also, contradicts what the other blogger says, when he says "don't hide behind the logo."  The other blogger stated to establish a logo and "use images and logos that represent your brand."

I hope that this post has been informative and helpful in helping you to understand how to establish yourselves online.

Until next time!


What Should I Put On The Internet?

Howdy again!  In today's delivery we will be discussing what are some things that are appropriate to post online are and what are some things that are not.  Giving that social networking sites are so big in today's times it is important to know what a person should and should not put online.  This is a very controversial topic since people have different opinions about what is and what is not appropriate to post on the internet.  This is just a couple of things that I go by in order to keep my profile on social networking sites professional. 

I believe that social networking sites should be professional looking because you never know who might be looking at your profile and how they might judge you based on what's on your profile page.  Take a moment and look at your profile page.  Most people think that everything looks fine; although, it may look fine to the people you are close to, but it may not to a potential employer or to someone you are trying to impress.  When I am posting pictures or updating my status to my profile or when friends tag me in a photo and write on my wall I always  look to see what all is in the picture or post and determine if I want people to know that I associate with what's there.  Ok, so if you read my earlier article you might know that I am a junior in college and have very close friends and family.  I'm not saying that I don't do things that most college students do; however, I determine if I want to be perceived as something that I'm not if someone happens to get the wrong idea about a picture or a wall post.  It is not uncommon to hear of a person being fired for what's on their social networking sites.  I believe it is always easier to just keep your profile clean as you go instead of having to worry about cleaning it up before applying for a job. 

I hope this information was helpful; however, it is just one opinion among many.

Until next time!


Social Networking and School

Howdy! It's your trusty delivery boy again here to give you some more information about Identity, Privacy, and Safety in the digital world.  Today, we will be looking at an article by the American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education.  If you are interested in viewing the article you may do so my following the following link:

This is a scholarly article written by Jeff Cain, EdD of the University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy discussing the issues of online social networking sites with academics and pharmacy.  The article talks about how popular social networking sites have become and how they allow students to build relationships with those of similar interests and become more connected to the school.  However, the article goes into how social networking sites create issues in student’s personal lives and in higher education environments.  The article talks about some features of social networking sites like tagging pictures and posting on people's walls, some issues of private information in a public space and how this information might be perceived by another audience differently than the audience that it was intended for would, and academic issues that are caused by social networking sites.  The article concludes by saying that even though social networking sites are great for maintaining and strengthening social ties among students, these ties become an issue when considering the students identity, privacy, and safety and that academic institutions should make an effort to educate students to take the appropriate steps to protect themselves when operating on these sites.

I hope that this article is as interesting to you as it was to me.  I encourage you to go out and look for articles such as this to see how the digital world is affecting our lives.

Until next time!


A Little Bit About Me

Alright, now that I have introduced what this blog will be about I felt the need to give you a little info into the type of person I am and why I believe the topics of Identity, Privacy, and Safety in the digital world are important. 

To get started, since I am a Fightin' Texas Aggie I will give you the Aggie greeting.  HOWDY!!! My name is Keeton and I am a Junior, Kinesiology major from Longview, Texas, but most importantly I am the loudest and proudest member of the Fightin' Texas Aggie class of 2012! A-A-A-WHOOP!!  Now that you know most of the basic things about me I'll go into a little more depth.  I was born in Longview, Texas in October of 1989 to two amazing parents.  I have a very large and loving family that supports me in about everything that I do.  I have two older sisters that I couldn't get through life without, two brothers that motivate me to be the best person I can be, and a beautiful niece that has me wrapped around her tiny finger.  I am involved in two AWESOME organizations, Aggies for Christ (AFC) and Aggie Special Olympic Texas Volunteers (ASOTV).  These organizations are constantly pushing me to have a more serious walk with God and are a constant reminder that I am a truly blest individual.  I have some amazing friends that keep me sane when school gets to crazy.  When I look into what I want to do in the future I am always coming back to the idea of helping people when they are in need.  For some reason I've been leaning toward the health care industry even though hardly anyone in my family can do blood.  The one true thing that I love to do is water and snow ski.  Both of these have been family sports that we all participate in.  Finally, I choose Texas A&M for my higher education because I couldn't think of a better place to call home.  A&M has all of the same values that I want to represent.

Now to the reason I believe Identity, Privacy, and Safety in the digital world are important.  Let's start off with privacy.  In the digital world today, people can find out anything in a matter of seconds.  Almost anything can be viewed on the internet, including things from a person's private life.  With the invention of social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace people are able to look up and tell what you’re doing.  This pretty much throws the idea of a personal life out the window.  Next, we have identity.  In the past there have always two types of identity, personal and social.  The way we have always separated these have been by keeping our personal identity to ourselves; however, social networking sites and blogs have allowed people to see people on a much more personal way.  People are able to post their thoughts and opinions about topics on these sites for people to see and comment on.  Finally, we have safety.  Safety has been a major concern for parents with children who are growing up in today's digital world.  There are constant news stories about how people on the internet have bullied or manipulated others and because of these acts those affected end up taking their own life or have been forever humiliated.  It is these stories that give people a negative view of the internet.  I will discuss these topics in more detail in my upcoming post as well as giving seeing what others have to say about these topics. 

Until next time!
