Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Establishing an Identity Online

Howdy! This time our delivery will cover the topic of our online identity.  We will be looking at two blogs that cover the topic of online identity and how it affects us as individuals.  The two blogs we will be looking at come from and Business Done Now by Jason Kienbaum.

Both blogs talk about how important it is to establish your online identity as professional and how to accomplish this.  Each blog gives you several tips and examples of what to do in order to establish your online identity in a business or personal since. 

Although, the blogs have several things in common they also differ in how they tell you to establish you identity.  In the blog on, the author is telling the reader how to establish his or herself as more of a business online.  The author uses appeals to pathos when he states "the last thing you want is a potential client confusing you with someone else that makes you look bad."  In the second blog by Jason Kienbaum, the author is giving more of an example on how to establish yourself online as a business and as an individual.  The author uses tone and appeals to pathos in order to keep the reader's attention and interest.  When he states "Many business individuals will have this come back to bite them in the ass if they allow others to use their signature" he is demanding that the reader pay attention to what he is staying and by doing that he is making the reader more interested in what he has to say.  He also, contradicts what the other blogger says, when he says "don't hide behind the logo."  The other blogger stated to establish a logo and "use images and logos that represent your brand."

I hope that this post has been informative and helpful in helping you to understand how to establish yourselves online.

Until next time!


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