Monday, April 18, 2011

Protect Yourself From Being the Next Scam

Howdy, I'm back again with today's digital paper.  The main topic of today's issue is safety in the digital world.  What is safe on the internet and what is not?  So often we hear about people that have had their identity stolen because they accidentally gave their private information to a website claiming to be something that it is not.  It is unfortunate that stories such as this happen so much now days; however, identity thieves are becoming more advanced in their techniques as technology advances and people don't know what websites are credible and which ones are not. 

Technology is advancing so fast that a lot of the time it is hard to keep up with it and what are the ways to keep our private information private and not publicly known.  A person can easily subscribe to an online magazine by putting his or her credit card information into the site thinking that the website looks legitimate; however, identity thieves have become so skilled that they can make a website look as creditable as an actual online magazine.  How do we protect ourselves from these online predators?  Some simple ways to make sure that you are not a victim of identity theft are to check the website carefully, make sure that you can't find anything that looks out of the ordinary.  Also, look at what other users have to say about the company.  Make sure that no one else has fallen prey to a vicious scam.  The link below list several other way to check a websites creditability.

Hopefully today's issue has been helpful.  Until next time!

Keeton Perry

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