Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Work and Your Personal Profile

Howdy! Today's bit of digital news is about what people view is appropriate for an employer to view about a possible employee.  I will be countering the argument made my one of my classmates in her blog Identity, Privacy, Safety.  If you click the link below it will take you to her blog so that you might read her post.

In this post, she clearly believes that employers do not have the right to view an employees or possible employee profile on a social networking site.  Although, I agree with her on some points there are others that I differ on.  I believe that employers have every right to view the social networking profile of a potential employee to help them determine whether or not that person is a good fit for their company.  If a person has pictures of him or her doing something illegal I (as an employer) would want to know.

Now, when it comes to an employer viewing a current employee's profile I believe that they still have the right to view the profile; however, they should not be allowed to fire that employee unless an illegal act was committed.  I agree that in the case of the teacher being fired over some photos of her drinking is completely absurd and that in that aspect the teacher should have been allowed to keep her job, but be more wary about what she post online.

Until next time!


1 comment:

  1. I really like the fact that you have engaged in a respectful dialogue with another blogger. Too often bloggers get into "battles" with each other, but your post is an example of a productive exchange.
