Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I Don't Want That On There!!!!

Howdy, It's me again with your digital delivery! Hope everyone is having a great week so far and is getting excited about the long weekend we'll have with Good Friday.  I don't know about you but I'm getting to go home and spend some quality time with my family. 

Today we will be talking about what are some things that we can do when someone posts something about us online that we don't want people to see. 

There will always be things that we don't want other people to see whether it be baby pictures that mom and dad have pulled out or the photo of us at a party with a red Solo cup in our hand that a possible employer might see.  With social networking so popular right now, there is always a chance that someone might post a picture or a comment that we don't want other people to see.  There have been several occasions that a friend would post an embarrassing photo of me on Facebook that I really didn't want my family and friends to see.  Since most of us are friends with people on social networking sites that we hardly talk to it's hard for them to understand what's going on when the picture was taken.  Luckily, Facebook, and most other social networking sites, give you the capability to remove a "tag" or hide the photo from your profile.  Unfortunately, this does not take it off the internet.  Once something has been put on the internet it's always going to be out there so we have to be extra careful about what we post about others and what they post about us.

I hope this information has been beneficial and hope that you will comment so that I can hear some of you opinions.

Until next time!


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