Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Online Dating...Is It Safe?

Howdy again!  Today's top headline is about online dating and the safety of it.

Many people today live such busy, rambunctious lives that it is next to impossible to meet someone unless you’re in class, at church, working, or in a bar.  Therefore, the use of online dating sites has become increasingly more popular.  Sites like and eHarmony make it easy for users to create an online profile and search for possible matches.

Although, these sites have several security features to keep people honest people have found ways to around them.  The main problem with dating sites is that you never know who your talking to on the other end.  You have no idea how old they are, what they look like, or what their personality is like.  These are just a few concerns among many that are wary of online dating.  It is hard to gage what a person is thinking over the internet since you cannot read their body language, or their facial expressions.

So often there is story about how an date planned online goes wrong.  It is this type of uncertainty that makes us wonder if online dating is truly safe.

Until next time!



  1. Hey Keeton,

    I honestly think that whole online dating is also kind of sketchy. You know like Rose said "If it's to good to be true than it is probably not going to work out." The scary thing is the way we communicate is drastically changing. We can now comfortably hold conversation online with out even seeing one another and be ok with not having the qualities of tone and face expression. So could we one day allow to online dating to be a normal thing? I don't know ha, but for now I will stick to traditional way of meeting/dating some one.
    Good job!

  2. Personally, I wouldn't try online dating. However, I have a cousin that met his wife, not in an online dating site, but in a chat service. They started talking and eventually, they agreed to meet in person and it took off from there. Although I am really happy for them, I would have to agree that information given online, particularly in these services, is easily falsifiable, and in my opinion, the chances of hooking up with someone aren't radically increased by joining a site like that. However, if it works out for you and you're ok with it, then go ahead.
