Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What Should I Put On The Internet?

Howdy again!  In today's delivery we will be discussing what are some things that are appropriate to post online are and what are some things that are not.  Giving that social networking sites are so big in today's times it is important to know what a person should and should not put online.  This is a very controversial topic since people have different opinions about what is and what is not appropriate to post on the internet.  This is just a couple of things that I go by in order to keep my profile on social networking sites professional. 

I believe that social networking sites should be professional looking because you never know who might be looking at your profile and how they might judge you based on what's on your profile page.  Take a moment and look at your profile page.  Most people think that everything looks fine; although, it may look fine to the people you are close to, but it may not to a potential employer or to someone you are trying to impress.  When I am posting pictures or updating my status to my profile or when friends tag me in a photo and write on my wall I always  look to see what all is in the picture or post and determine if I want people to know that I associate with what's there.  Ok, so if you read my earlier article you might know that I am a junior in college and have very close friends and family.  I'm not saying that I don't do things that most college students do; however, I determine if I want to be perceived as something that I'm not if someone happens to get the wrong idea about a picture or a wall post.  It is not uncommon to hear of a person being fired for what's on their social networking sites.  I believe it is always easier to just keep your profile clean as you go instead of having to worry about cleaning it up before applying for a job. 

I hope this information was helpful; however, it is just one opinion among many.

Until next time!


1 comment:

  1. I agree with your evaluation of what is and isn't appropriate to post on a social network. Our world is becoming digital so quickly that most employers will search their potential employees online and see what kind of person they are hiring. People need to think seriously before what they post on their webpages. A girl I know was recently fired because she requested off for a 'doctors appointment' but her facebook status was 'vote for me for chilifest queen'. Obviously she was not at the doctor. Things like this should be thought through.
